SteelMade Homes are built to exacting specifications using high quality American made steel framing and advanced computer-aided-design methods.

Steel is 100% recyclable, making it the material of choice for the next generation.
Experts in many fields are looking for new building strategies and technologies that will help sustain affordable growth into the next century. By selecting steel framing for the structures built today, we can answer the demand for environmentally responsible products.

Steel is the most commonly recycled material in the world, with over 67% of all steel used today coming from recycled material. It takes one-fourth of an acre to produce the framing for a typical wood framed home; the same house can be famed with steel from the recycled metal of just three to four junk cars! Increasingly steel framing is being recognized as the logical, environmentally responsible choice for home buyers and builders today.

More Steel is Recycled each year than aluminum, glass and plastic combined!