Welcome to SteelMade Homes!

Discover the quality, strength and value engineered in each Steel Frame Home we build.

Welcome to "SteelMade Homes":

Distributor of Steel Framed Homes and Garages.
Steel: The new building standard.

Offering over 150 standard steel framed models to choose from, in one and two story models. You can customize these designs to better fit your needs.

To expand your choices you can convert almost any house plan to a Steel Framed Home. Just think of the almost unlimited choices you have to fit your needs and lift style.

Check out the advantages of Steel and why it is possibly the best choice for your next home.

We will help you select a Steel Framed Home for your needs and budget.

Your Steel Framed Home will arrive as a kit, allowing you to assembly the structure yourself, hire a contractor or we can arrange for the erection of the framing kit. You can finish it from there (do the work yourself or hire subcontractors), thus saving you thousands of dollars on your new home.